
MA Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, University of London. 1996-1998

Exhibitions Internship, ICA, The Mall, London. 1992-1993

BA (hons) Fine Art, Brighton Polytechnic.  1989-1992


Public Collections and Awards

Sebert Road, 2005. 213x153cm, Southampton City Art Gallery

Hub, 2002. UK Finalist, Lexmark European Art Prize 2003.

Gun St., 2000. 213x153cm, Tyne and Wear Museums Collection

The Balcony, New Contemporaries 1993


One Person Exhibitions

2006               What You See is What You Get, Bearspace, London

2005               Systemax,  Millais Gallery, Southampton Institute

2004               SuperDrive,  Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art (Project Space),  Sunderland

2002               Metrolink, Mobile Home, London

2001               New Paintings, Mobile Home, London

2000               Night Paintings, Alfred Camp Gallery, London


Group Shows         

2017               Messenger, Bearspace, London

2015               Bonfire of the Vanities, Display Gallery, London

2013               Art of the Times – Contemporary Painting, Southampton City Art Gallery

2007               Night of the Bohemians, La Galerie de la Butte,  Paris    

2003               One View, Atelier, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex 

                       Yes! I am a long way from home, Wolverhampton Art Gallery;  Nunnery, Bow Road, London;

                       NGCA, Sunderland; Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury.

2002               Life Everyday, Tablet Gallery, London

                       Naturellement, Espace Fauriel, Saint-Etienne, France

2001               A Public Auction of Private Art Works, Kimbolton Castle,  Cambridgeshire

                       Forever Yours, Wooden Heart, London.

                       Art Against Addiction, Sothebys, London

                       Look and Feel, Bürofriedrich, Berlin

2000               Hard Candy II, Galerie Wieland, Berlin

                       Out of Place, The Lowry, Manchester

                       Ways of Living III, Tablet Gallery, London

                       Give and Take, Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston

                       Hard Candy II, Plan B, London.

1999               Ways of Living II, The Freak Brothers Gallery, Paris

                       Trans-Simulation, 181 Waverly Place 5d, New York

                       Readymade, Wunderkrammer, London.

                       Fresh Paint (Frank Cohen Collection), Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow

                       Untitled Show, Charlie Wrights, London

                       Down and Out in Paris and London, The Freak Brothers Gallery, Paris

                       Ways of Living I, RMIT Project Space, Melbourne, Australia

                       Painting Lab, Entwistle, Cork Street, London

                       Untitled Painting Show, Lux Gallery, Hoxton Square, London

1998               Cluster Bomb, Morrison Judd, London

                       Remote, Wunderkammer, London

                       Still Life, Paton Gallery, London   

                       MA Exhibition, Goldsmiths College, London

1995               Hard Work, Exmouth Market, London

1993               BT New Contemporaries , Cornerhouse,  Manchester  (and touring)

                       The Space Between, Galerie Fortlaan 17, Ghent, Belgium

1992               Edward Harper and Esther Lane, City Racing, London

1991               Edward Harper, Esther Lane, Chris Speed, Brighton Polytechnic Gallery

1991               Salon der Debutanten, Ponypark, Slagharen, Netherlands

1990               Brighton Polytechnic Students, Gardner Arts Centre. University of Sussex




Ed Harper